Tuesday, March 10, 2009

10 EGGS!!! Now it's the Survival of The Fittest!!!

I had my surgery Monday morning to retrieve my eggs. My sweet, dependable dad came up to Birmingham (from Pensacola) on Sunday night about 11pm. So he was in the waiting room with Ryan, along with Ryan's parents. I am grateful to them b/c I was concerned about Ryan waiting out there by himself. I was under what they call "conscious sedation". This basically means I am out of it but if they were to say, "Kelly move your right leg" I would be able to do so myself. They also gave me Phenergan which is the stuff that keeps you from throwing up. They gave me that first & I was knocked about before the Dr. could even see me prior to surgery! It doesn't take much! Another thing they give you is some Amnesia medicine that helps you to forget. I am glad I had this...let me explain why. What I remember from it all is getting rolled back there and them asking me to move on to the operating table and all the lights everywhere...then they were putting my legs in the biggest stirups of all time!!! :-) Then the only other thing I remember is crying saying, "it hurts, it hurts!" and the nurse & Dr. telling me they're almost done. Afterwards I did have crusty tears along the edges of my eyes that I began wiping off when I woke up. I told Ryan that was what I remembered saying & he then told me the nurse said the anesthesia was wearing off towards the end so I felt a little... but she immediately gave me more so I wouldn't feel it! Luckily, I cannot remember what the pain felt like. Thanks to the amnesia med's!!! I remember saying that & crying but not the actual pain I felt. I did not have any bleeding issues!!!! Yay for answered prayers! So..all in all it went fine but I really don't want to have to do that again! Once we left I was starved so Ryan & my Dad took me through the KFC drive thru for some yummy mashed potatoes! Somehow I kept my eyes opened to eat them then I slept the rest of the day..woke up long enough to eat some supper & watch 24 & then knocked back out again! They did retrieve 10 eggs.

Dr. Bates called to check on me this morning & to give me a status update on our eggs! Out of the 10..3 did not make it thru the night. :-( But 7 of the 10 did fertilize to form embryos!!! YAAAAYY!! But...Dr. Bates does not think all 7 will make it until Thursday when they do the Embryo Transfer (putting the babies in me!). He thinks 4 will survive. He bases that on the fact that he has seen many embryos in his lifetime & he can tell when they won't survive. So...that's actually great news! They'll implant 2 in me & we will freeze the other 2. We WILL NOT just leave those in the freezer the rest of our lives as some would do. We feel these are human beings at this point therefore they deserve a chance to live too. So...being "cautiously optimistic" if this go around isn't successful then I will not have to go through surgery to get eggs..we will already have 2 embryos in the freezer we can use. If I do get pregnant this 1st go around... when we are ready for more children we will go through the process again using our frozen embryos!

In the meantime I started more med's yesterday & today!!! You thought I was done with all those shots huh?! Yesterday I began taking Estrogen tablets twice a day & Medrol ( I don't really know what that is for? I just take it for the next 5 days). Tonight I got my 1st Progesterone SHOT FROM MY HUSBAND! It was a first for both us! Me having someone else give me a shot & him giving the shot! It was quite funny I must say! Progesterone oil is thick & yellow. It's to be injected in the muscle versus subquetaneous (meaning in the fat). It has a wonderful long needle to get into that muscle. Ryan & I watched a video we found on You Tube on how to inject it. We were BOTH NERVOUS. I was nervous b/c he was nervous & since he was the one sticking that thing in my rear/hip I was REAL nervous. He was so afraid he was going to hurt me. I told him at this point...I am a human pin cushion... I can handle it! He drew a target mark on me & nailed it! We probably stood there 5 minutes before he actually stuck me! My hands were sweating b/c I was nervous which is crazy! I wasn't even nervous until he was! This was his first time to EVER give a shot..but I give him an A+ . To my surprise it didn't even hurt! We're ready for tomorrow to do it all over again! (I believe he has to do this for like 2 weeks!) He'll be a pro before it's over with.

YES! THAT IS THE NEEDLE THAT WENT IN ME!!! I really thought it would hurt?But I am grateful it didn't! It must have been that great "shot giver" I have! ;-)


ICURIS said...

hahaha!!!! brooke and i just cracked up reading this! we're so glad things went so well!!! woohoo!!!

Robyn said...

I am so impressed with all that you are doing. You two will be medical professionals by the time your baby (or more) is coming. And your bravery with that muscle shot is unparalleled. Yours and Ryan's!

You are in our prayers. You guys will be such amazing parents. We're so excited for Thursday! Special prayers that day.

We love you!

Holly-- The Storm Chaser said...

So, you won't implant all seven and try for a show on TLC?? :-)

I know this has been a hard road. You've got many folks praying for you. Hang in there. We can't wait to hear how things go! I am so impressed that Ryan was able to stick you with that needle. I couldn't harldy look at the pics, let alone think about it going into you! Poor thing. (You, not Ryan. Men always get too much sympathy during times like these.) We'll be praying hard.

The Farm said...

I just wanted you to know that we are keeping up with all that is going on in the Key world. I haven't asked you alot of questions lately because I figured it would be overwhelming but Keri is updating me with info and your blog. I am glad that the egg retrieval process is over. We have been thinking about you and Ryan alot lately and will continue to. Love you guys! ~ Allison

Gibbons said...

I am excited everything has gone well. I enjoy reading all the time..I knew its a long process but I can't wait until the day you write "I'm Pregnant!" It is such a wonderful feeling and I knew you and Ryan will be excited! Keep the updates coming!

nbarnes2 said...

i have to say kelly you have me on pins and needles. im so so so excited for you. that needle was freaking huge. and i laughed when you said that he'd never given a shot. i think the large majority of people haven't you just happened to be super experienced! always in our prayers!

Ashley and Nolan said...

YIKES! That needle looks scarey!!! You're such a strong girl Kelly and I admire you so much! Can't wait to hang out this weekend! Love you!

The Lucero Family said...

Hi Kelly, Mac and I are pulling for you guys! You two will make great parents! Good luck :)

Anonymous said...

Wow Kelly, you have really been through the ringer. We all are betting for the best. I would take two at a time any day! Love you, Aunt Jan